d'Abrera Butterflies of the Oriental Region vol. 1: In vulgaris the HW anal margin is straight and almost at a right angle to the tornus. The white stripes in spoaces 1a and 1b HWV are also equally narrow. In simils the anal margin is very gently curved and the anal angle is also gently curved away from the tornus while the white stripes in spaces 1a and 1b are broad, that in 1b being twice as broad as in 1a. AZ: in similis the FWR discal spots in spaces Cu1 and M3 are oval-shaped, compact. In vulharis they are elongated streaks. The discal spot at the top of the cell is visibly bifurcated in vulgaris, with a thin but long "horn" emanating from it on the costal side. In similis that streak is usually short.